Administration of Intravenous Diuretics for Acute Exacerbation of Heart Failure


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Reference List
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Summary of Abstracts
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  1. What is the comparative clinical utility of administering IV diuretics in an outpatient IV clinic versus an emergency department setting?
  2. What is the comparative cost-effectiveness of administering IV diuretics in an outpatient IV clinic versus an emergency department setting?
  3. What are the evidence-based guidelines regarding the administration of IV diuretics in outpatient IV clinic settings?

Key Message

One non-randomized study was identified about the comparative clinical utility of administering IV diuretics in an outpatient IV clinic versus an emergency department setting.

No relevant literature was identified about the comparative cost-effectiveness of administering IV diuretics in an outpatient IV clinic versus an emergency department setting.

No evidence-based guidelines were identified about the administration of IV diuretics in outpatient IV clinic settings.