
How CADTH Expert Committees Deliberate

CADTH has three expert committees that provide recommendations to publicly funded drug programs, health ministries, and health authorities on the appropriate use of drugs, medical devices, and clinical interventions:

  • CADTH pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Expert Review Committee (pERC): cancer drugs
  • CADTH Canadian Drug Expert Committee (CDEC): non-cancer drugs
  • CADTH Health Technology Expert Review Panel (HTERP): medical devices and clinical interventions.

Each committee addresses different decision problems across different drugs and technologies. But all use a deliberative process to discuss the value of these technologies and provide recommendations on how they should be used effectively in Canada.

This webinar will explain what deliberative processes are and why they are important when making recommendations that impact many people. It will also describe the deliberative process each CADTH committee follows to make recommendations and how CADTH processes compare with similar expert committees in Canada and internationally.

The webinar will be recorded and is required viewing to participate in the patient-focused consultation on Thursday, February 11, Consultation for Patients on the Deliberative Appraisal Process at CADTH