Détection et diagnostic de la septicémie dans les régions rurales et éloignées : analyse de l’environnement


Gamme de produits:
Examen d’une technologie de la santé
Numéro de projet :
Final Biosimilar Summary Dossier Issued:

(Le contexte et les objectifs sont en français. La suite du texte est en anglais)


Une septicémie est une cascade complexe et potentiellement mortelle des réponses physiologiques à l’infection, définie comme « ... un dysfonctionnement organique possiblement mortel causé par une réaction dysrégulée de l’hôte à l’infection... » ou « ... en termes simples, une septicémie est une condition possiblement mortelle qui se produit lorsque la réponse du corps à une infection endommage ses propres tissus et organes »1.

Au Canada et partout dans le monde, la septicémie est une cause majeure de décès et est associée à des couts de santé importants, principalement en raison de plus longs séjours à l’hôpital et des besoins en soins intensifs2-4. Selon les données de 2008-2009, les Canadiens et Canadiennes atteints de septicémie ont passé une moyenne de 12 jours à l’hôpital — neuf jours de plus que la durée médiane de séjour pour les autres conditions2. Les survivants de la septicémie éprouvent souvent des problèmes de santé à long terme, y compris des troubles physiques, psychologiques et cognitifs3,5-8. En 2011, on estime qu’au Canada, un décès sur 18 met en cause la septicémie (que ce soit en tant que cause sous-jacente ou cause contribuant au décès)9. Toutefois, l’incidence de l’infection est probablement sous-estimée pour plusieurs raisons, y compris les différentes définitions utilisées, les difficultés cliniques de diagnostic de la septicémie ou les pratiques de codage de l’hôpital qui peuvent attribuer la cause du décès à la source de l’infection ou aux séquelles de la septicémie, plutôt qu’à la septicémie elle-même4,5,7,8,10,11.

L’infection qui se traduit par une septicémie peut provenir de n’importe quel type d’agent pathogène (bactérien, viral, fongique ou protozoaire) et la source d’infection peut varier1,3,9,12-15. Les sites les plus courants sont les poumons (p. ex., les infections respiratoires), le tube digestif, le système sanguin, les reins et l’appareil génito-urinaire, et la peau3,16. Les nourrissons et les personnes âgées comptent parmi les plus à risque de septicémie2,17. Également plus à risque sont ceux qui ont récemment subi une intervention chirurgicale, sont immunodéprimés, ont des maladies chroniques (comme le diabète) ou sont des femmes enceintes ou qui ont récemment été enceintes2,6,13,17.

Le dépistage précoce et le traitement de la septicémie peuvent réduire les incidents indésirables et le risque de décès3,13,18. Un traitement précoce réduit également les couts de santé associés à une septicémie, en particulier, les couts des soins intensifs à l’hôpital et les couts de rééducation et de soins subséquents à la septicémie5. Le dépistage de la septicémie représente un défi, car les signaux peuvent être difficiles à distinguer de ceux causés par d’autres maladies, et aucun test diagnostique spécifiquement conçu pour la septicémie n’est actuellement disponible19-21. Les nouveau-nés et les jeunes enfants ont des facteurs de risque et des symptômes de septicémie différents de ceux des adultes21,22.

Il n’y a aucun test de référence absolue pour la septicémie et le diagnostic repose sur l’évaluation clinique, l’imagerie diagnostique et les tests de laboratoire servant à identifier l’agent pathogène causant l’infection et le traitement antimicrobien le plus approprié6,23. Souvent, les tests de laboratoire ne parviennent pas à identifier l’agent pathogène7,16. En outre, les tests de laboratoire et les hémocultures sont couteux en temps et nécessitent des équipements qui ne sont pas disponibles en soins préhospitaliers ou en établissements de santé éloignés24,25.

Population des régions rurales et éloignées au Canada

Il n’y a pas de consensus quant à la définition de ce que sont les communautés rurales ou éloignées au Canada. Cependant, pour les besoins de cette étude, les définitions suivantes ont été retenues.

Communautés rurales : on considère comme rurales les communautés situées au-delà de la distance raisonnable d’un trajet domicile-travail vers un centre urbain (une communauté de 10 000 habitants ou plus)26. Alors, plus de 6 millions de Canadiens et Canadiennes, soit près de 20 % de la population, vivent en milieu rural27.

Communautés éloignées : les communautés éloignées comprennent des communautés éloignées isolées (c.-à-d. sans service de transport aérien régulier ou d’accès routier et ayant un service téléphonique ou radio minimal) et des communautés éloignées non isolées (c.-à-d. ayant un accès routier et un accès aux services de médecins à moins de 90 km)28. Environ 200 000 Canadiens et Canadiennes vivent en région éloignée (ceci comprend des communautés éloignées plus populeuses comme Whitehorse et Yellowknife)29. Près de la moitié de la population autochtone canadienne vit en région rurale ou éloignée30.

Figure 1 : Communautés éloignées au Canadaa

Means of transportation in remote communities of Canada

a Cette carte affiche les différents types d’infrastructure de transport par collectivité pour les SDR de l’ensemble du Canada. Chaque SDR est indiquée par l’emplacement de son « point représentatif ». La carte indique les limites des provinces et des territoires du Canada. Quatre types de SDR sont affichés : les SDR rattachées au réseau routier principal ou aux transbordeurs réguliers (points gris) — il s’agit de ceux qui représentent la vaste majorité des SDR; les SDR rattachées par une combinaison du transport aérien, de routes d’hiver, de bateaux affrétés et/ou du service du transbordeur régulier (points bleus), dont la plupart sont situés dans la partie nord du Canada; les SDR rattachées seulement par transport aérien (points rouges), dont la plupart sont situées dans l’extrême nord du Canada; les SDR non organisées sans infrastructure de transport (points orange pâle).

Source de l’image et de la description : Statistique Canada, Mesurer l’éloignement et l’accessibilité : Un ensemble d’indices applicables aux collectivités canadiennes, 2017. Reproduit et distribué « tel quel » avec l’autorisation de Statistique Canada.

Déterminants de la santé en milieu rural et éloigné

Dans les collectivités rurales et éloignées, les gens peuvent faire face à des obstacles aux soins de santé autres que ceux engendrés par la géographie et les ressources plus limitées disponibles localement en soins de santé32. Plusieurs communautés autochtones éloignées courent un risque accru de septicémie en raison de facteurs socioéconomiques qui affectent leur santé. Ces facteurs comprennent des conditions de logement inadéquates, une mauvaise alimentation, l’insalubrité de l’eau potable et des situations de comorbidités (comme le diabète). Conséquemment, ceci s’accompagne de taux plus élevés de blessures, d’infections des voies respiratoires, de la peau et des tissus mous32-42. Par exemple, le rapport de 2015 sur la santé au Yukon cite un taux de septicémie de 9,28 par 100 000 habitants comparativement à 4,35 par 100 000 habitants ailleurs au Canada43.

Le tabagisme est plus élevé dans les collectivités rurales et éloignées qu’ailleurs au Canada, augmentant le risque d’infections respiratoires28,39. Au Nunavut, par exemple, les taux d’infections respiratoires sont quatre fois plus élevés que la moyenne nationale44. Des taux plus élevés de tuberculose, également un facteur de risque de septicémie, sont signalés dans certaines régions du Canada, y compris Terre‑Neuve‑et‑Labrador, l’Alberta, la Saskatchewan, le Manitoba, les Territoires du Nord-Ouest et, en particulier, au Nunavut45,46.

En général, par rapport aux populations urbaines au Canada, les résidents des zones rurales sont plus âgés et plus susceptibles de souffrir de problèmes de santé chroniques28,47-49. L’âge et les conditions de santé chroniques augmentent le risque de septicémie50,51. Les populations rurales et éloignées ont aussi des taux plus élevés d’urgences médicales, y compris de maladies infectieuses et de blessures, que la moyenne nationale28,37,52.

Accès aux soins de santé

Santé Canada indique qu’il y a plus de 600 collectivités des Premières Nations de partout au Canada qui reçoivent les services de 79 postes de soins infirmiers et de plus de 195 centres de santé53. Plus de 95 000 autochtones vivent dans 85 communautés isolées où les services de santé sont fournis principalement par le biais de postes de soins infirmiers53. La responsabilité de la prestation de services de santé pour les peuples autochtones dans les collectivités rurales et éloignées varie d’un endroit à l’autre au Canada en fonction d’un système de gestion complexe de services de santé fédéraux, provinciaux, territoriaux ou gérés par la collectivité30,40,54.

De nombreuses collectivités éloignées ne sont accessibles que par avion et, en cas d’urgence médicale, les patients sont transportés par ambulance aérienne ou par des services aériens privés de grands hôpitaux régionaux à plusieurs heures de distance37,44,52,55. Les collectivités éloignées n’ont souvent pas les infrastructures nécessaires, l’équipement de navigation, ou l’éclairage ni l’entretien de piste d’atterrissage — ce qui signifie que les pilotes « volent à vue » et qu’ils ne peuvent atterrir ou décoller par mauvais temps, retardant ainsi le transport d’urgence55.

Souvent, les collectivités éloignées n’ont pas de services ambulanciers locaux ou de service 911 d’intervention d’urgence et s’appuient sur des membres de la famille ou sur la communauté pour le transport de patients vers le poste de soins infirmiers55. Dans de nombreuses communautés, la formation de base en premiers soins est fournie à certains membres de la communauté, mais la fréquence et le type de formation varie et peut ne pas répondre aux besoins particuliers de la communauté37,55. L’accès limité aux services de santé peut constituer un obstacle au diagnostic et au traitement rapide de la septicémie56-58.

Partout au Canada, l’élaboration de protocoles et le repérage des technologies optimales pour reconnaitre et diagnostiquer une septicémie, y compris dans les régions rurales et éloignées, suscitent beaucoup d’intérêt. Une meilleure compréhension des ressources actuelles et des pratiques pour la détection d’une septicémie dans ces milieux s’avère de première importance. Dans ce contexte, l’ACMTS a effectué une analyse de l’environnement sur la détection de la septicémie dans les régions rurales et éloignées59; elle s’ajoute aux travaux antérieurs de l’ACMTS sur les soins de santé en régions rurales et éloignées et sur la détection et le diagnostic de la septicémie chez les adultes60-62.


Voici les objectifs de l’analyse de l’environnement :

  • décrire les directives actuelles (p. ex., politiques, protocoles, lignes directrices, algorithmes) pour détecter et diagnostiquer une septicémie des établissements de santé en régions rurales et éloignées au Canada;
  • décrire les pratiques actuelles de détection et de gestion de la septicémie des établissements de santé dans les régions rurales et éloignées au Canada et comment elles se comparent avec la pratique recommandée; et
  • repérer les technologies de diagnostics et les autres ressources disponibles pour la détection, le diagnostic et la gestion de la septicémie des établissements de santé dans les régions rurales et éloignées au Canada.



The findings of this Environmental Scan are based on responses to a survey questionnaire (Appendix 1) distributed to contacts in jurisdictions across Canada. Responses were received from June 8 until September 7, 2018. Additional information was integrated from publications identified through a literature search.

Table 1: Components and Information-Gathering Approach

Components Inclusion
Population Patients (of any age) with suspected (or possibly at risk for) sepsis
Intervention Protocols, guidelines, algorithms, procedures, current practices, diagnostic tests or other tools for detecting or diagnosing sepsis
  • Any remote or rural Canadian health care setting, including pre-hospital care, and care delivered remotely via telehealth or at a community health facility
  • Canadian guidance for identifying or diagnosing sepsis in patients outside of urban areas and hospitals (guidance may be local, regional, provincial, or at the national level)
  • Barriers to and facilitators of use
  • Strategies for improving and available resources for detection, diagnosis, and management of sepsis in rural and remote areas

Literature Search

Research Questions

  • The literature review attempted to address the following questions through the literature search: 
    What practices and resources are currently used to detect or diagnose patients with sepsis in rural or remote areas of Canada?
  • What are the barriers to or facilitators of the timely diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in rural and remote areas?

Search Methods

A limited literature search was conducted on key resources including Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and the University of York Centre for Reviews and Dissemination databases. Grey literature was identified by searching relevant sections of the Grey Matters checklist (https://www.cadth.ca/grey-matters) and by conducting a focused Internet search. No methodological filters were applied to limit retrieval by study type. The search was limited to English- and French-language documents published between January 1, 2008 and April 13, 2018. Monthly alerts updated the search and continued until October 19, 2018. Conference abstracts were excluded from the search results.

Screening and Study Selection

One author screened the literature search results to select articles for full-text review using the criteria shown in Table 1. The reference lists of relevant papers were also scanned to identify further studies.


The survey included 12 questions (Appendix 1) covering the respondents’ demographics and clinical setting of work, diagnostic strategies, challenges, barriers, and recent local strategies for improving the detection or diagnosis of sepsis. Survey questions included dichotomous (i.e., yes/no), multiple choice, and open-ended questions. External stakeholders and CADTH research staff reviewed the draft survey questions.

We distributed the survey electronically using Hosted in Canada Surveys.63 The distribution included more than 140 contacts identified by the CADTH Implementation Support and Knowledge Mobilization team, and Program Development staff and clinical experts identified through the published literature and through referrals. The survey was sent to contacts in:

  • government (in particular, decision-makers in federal, provincial, and territorial health ministries)
  • regional health authorities
  • hospitals
  • academic research groups
  • practitioners and associations involved in emergency medical care, and provision of health care services in rural and remote areas (such as paramedics, nurse practitioners, rural and emergency care physicians).

Contacts were also asked to forward the survey link to their colleagues or to suggest further respondents. Due to this secondary distribution, we could not determine the total number of respondents invited to participate. Initial survey contacts who did not respond within the first deadline were sent one email reminder with a two-week extension.

Additional stakeholder feedback was obtained by posting the draft version of this report on the CADTH website, via email notices to CADTH mailing lists, and by contacting the survey respondents who indicated they were willing to provide more information. The feedback received was considered during the revision of the draft report.

Synthesis Approach

Survey responses were abstracted by question, and organized by type of respondent and jurisdiction. Themes were identified for discussion and information from the published literature was summarized under these topics, along with information from the survey responses.


Literature Search

The main database search identified 292 citations and the monthly search alerts identified another 62 citations. Of these, 37 papers were retrieved for full-text review. Additional references were identified through the grey literature search, previous CADTH reports on this topic,59-62 the reference lists of relevant papers, further targeted searches, and publications suggested by survey respondents, for a total of 62 papers that were relevant to the objectives of this project.

Summary of Survey Results

Ninety survey responses were received, including four duplicate responses, for a total of 86 unique responses. Of the survey responses, 38 (44%) were mostly incomplete, while 13 other respondents (12%) noted that they were not involved in the early detection of patients with possible sepsis in rural or remote areas (at which point they were able to opt out of the remainder of the survey). Ultimately, 28 responses (32%) were included in the report.

Survey Respondent Characteristics

Attempts were made to obtain responses from all provinces and territories, and from the federal government. Responses came from a variety of organizations, with at least one response received for most provinces and territories, with the exception of Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Information on the jurisdictions and organizations represented by survey respondents is summarized in Appendix 2, Table 6. Information on the professions and occupational settings of survey respondents are summarized in Appendix 2, Table 7.

Respondents’ involvement included:

  • physicians providing health care in rural and remote areas (in rural or tertiary hospital emergency departments, through locums in the communities, or via telehealth consults)
  • patient transfer
  • clinical oversight, standards, and quality
  • policy and guideline development
  • nurses and nurse practitioners
  • staff training and education
  • implementing laboratory initiatives to improve testing for and appropriate antimicrobial treatment of infectious diseases.

Resources for Sepsis Management in Rural and Remote Areas

Guidelines, Algorithms, and Protocols

Of the 28 survey responses, 19 (68%) respondents noted that their organization had guidance for detecting or diagnosing sepsis, and 15 (54%) provided references to these documents (clinical decision rules, protocols, guidelines, algorithms, or other clinical practice tools). Another eight (29%) respondents stated that their organization had no such guidance. The guidance documents referenced by respondents are listed in Appendix 3.

The literature search identified other Canadian sepsis tools intended for in-hospital or emergency department care, including the BC ED Sepsis Guidelines Algorithm (2017),64 and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute sepsis kit.65 Recent algorithms for detecting sepsis in children have been developed at Manitoba’s TREKK‒Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids) network.66-68

International guidelines and tools for sepsis detection and management include the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines,18,69 and the UK Sepsis Trust Prehospital Sepsis Screening and Action Tool checklist.70 Guidance from the UK NICE‒National Institute for Health and Care Excellence includes algorithms and risk stratification tools for recognizing sepsis in both primary and acute care settings.22 The US CDC‒Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also offers clinical and patient education materials on sepsis.16 In addition, the World Health Organization recommendations on sepsis management in resource-limited settings may be applicable to remote care settings.71 With the exception of the Health Canada guidelines for primary care nurses (currently being revised),72 the Canadian guidance and tools identified are intended for in-hospital use rather than for use in pre-hospital or remote settings.

One respondent commented on the need for national guidelines with expected care standards for the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of sepsis — particularly for remote fly-in communities served by federal nursing stations. They also suggested that these national standards could be adopted by provincial health systems and monitored. This would track all patients who receive emergency transport or who die of sepsis, allowing review of cases and reporting to provincial standards committees to identify opportunities for system improvement. Another respondent noted that they hoped an outcome of this work would be the development of protocols and standards for organizations overseeing care in remote communities. A fourth respondent remarked that, although their organization did not have a local sepsis protocol, this had been developed at another level in the organization and should be adopted locally.

In critical care, the systemic inflammatory response system (SIRS) and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores are used to assess the severity of sepsis and the risk of death in adults but results of laboratory tests are needed for scoring.1,73 A modified measure, quickSOFA (qSOFA), relies on clinical examination, can be performed quickly, and does not involve laboratory tests.1 However, these tools were intended to be used to predict patient risk rather than used as diagnostic tools.23,73 Other early warning scoring systems for sepsis are available or in development, but their usefulness in pre-hospital settings is still unclear.20,25,74-76 Different risk factors and clinical signs are used for detecting sepsis in pediatric patients, depending on their age.66,67,77,78

Smartphone Applications

Several smartphone applications (apps) have scoring systems to help health care providers identify patients who may have sepsis. A UK National Early Warning Scoring (NEWS) and a sepsis screening tool, which combines the NEWS calculator (respiration rate, oxygen saturation, supplemental oxygen, temperature, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, level of consciousness), a qSOFA calculator, and a sepsis care bundle are freely available as smartphone apps.79,80 The Surviving Sepsis App, from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, is included as part of the Society of Critical Care Medicine guidelines app.81 Other sepsis apps, such as the ESCAVO Sepsis Timer, are also available.82

Available Diagnostic Technologies

Table 2 summarizes the responses to the survey question on the diagnostic tools available. Respondents could make multiple selections. Additional comments provided by respondents are included beneath the table.

Table 2: Additional Diagnostic Tools Available On-Site

Toola Number of Responses/28 (%)
Protocols for referral of patients to other care settings 12 (42%)
Access to laboratory services for blood, wound, or respiratory culture, or measurement of sepsis-related markers (e.g., procalcitonin) 18 (64%)
Access to point-of-care tests for sepsis-related markers 7 (25%)
Urinalysis 23 (82%)
Imaging 18 (64%)
Specialist consultation via telemedicine 12 (42%)
Otherb 6 (21%)

a In response to the survey question: What additional diagnostic tools does your facility have available on-site for detecting, diagnosing, or initially treating patients with suspected sepsis? 
b The six respondents who answered yes to “Other” specified the following:

  • All of the above (specialist consult service)
  • X-rays only
  • Hospitals have a lab on site; remote nursing stations have urinalysis, glucometer, and point-of-care hemoglobin only
  • Specialist consultation via telephone
  • Tertiary care-level diagnostic services and specialist support
  • On-site specialists (urban centre supporting rural/remote facilities).

One respondent noted that rural areas in Manitoba have small hospitals and emergency departments, which have some resources and trained professionals to diagnose, treat, and transfer patients with sepsis. However, they also noted that this is not the case in nursing stations. The nurses in these facilities may have access to a physician by phone but seldom in person, and they may be several hours away (by boat or air) from a facility that has the resources needed.

Similarly, a respondent in the Northwest Territories commented that they have reasonably good tools for the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in the larger centres. However, remote area resources such as laboratory tests, diagnostics, and treatments are “scant,” and diagnosis may be based on clinical descriptions of the patient provided over the phone by a nurse in a remote community to an emergency physician in Yellowknife or Inuvik.

Blood Culture

One respondent, who provided comments during the stakeholder feedback period, stressed the importance of taking blood samples for subsequent culture before antibiotic treatment begins.18,69 Even if laboratory facilities for blood culture are not available in remote areas, blood samples taken at the initial point of care and transported with the patient may help identify the type of infection and allow more targeted antibiotic therapy once the patient reaches the hospital.18

Point-of-Care Testing


Lactate is a marker of tissue perfusion; higher levels of lactate in the blood are associated with severity of sepsis.83 Rapid, inexpensive, point-of-care lactate test units are commercially available in Canada.75,83,84 These devices provide blood lactate values from a finger prick blood sample in about a minute.74,85,86 Lactate measurement in the pre-hospital setting is intended to reduce the time to obtain a lactate value and provide an earlier baseline value for continued assessment once the patient reaches the emergency department.85,87

The survey questionnaire did not specifically ask about the availability of point-of-care lactate testing, and no respondents mentioned that this testing was available in remote health care settings. Nevertheless, one respondent from Manitoba described a pilot study of point-of-care testing, underway in three communities, that includes lactate and white blood cell count. This will be rolled out to all Manitoba communities in conjunction with provincial laboratory services. Another survey respondent successfully advocated for getting point-of-care lactate in some smaller hospitals in Nova Scotia. This respondent also provides health services in Nunavut, and commented that having point-of-care lactate testing available there would be very helpful. Another Nunavut respondent also noted that having the capacity for point-of-care blood work would be helpful.

Intravenous Fluids, Oxygen, and Antimicrobials

Administration of intravenous (IV) fluids is a key element of sepsis treatment, but IV resuscitation is not available in some remote health care settings. One survey respondent noted that, in their experience, some nursing stations had only one IV pump, while others had none.

A recent study of injuries treated at nursing stations in northern Ontario found that, although most (74%) administered IV fluids, only a few (less than 10%) provided oxygen or antibiotics, and none administered vasopressors to stabilize blood pressure.88 Vasopressors are administered under the direction of a physician, but support from physicians via telemedicine could have provided this direction before the patient was transported.88

Storage and Access to Antimicrobials

One survey question asked whether there were challenges with the storage of or access to critical first-line antimicrobial agents for the early treatment of suspected sepsis. Of the 28 responses to this question, eight (28%) answered “yes” (there were challenges), and 20 (71%) answered “no” (there were no challenges in accessing antimicrobials).

Comments from the eight respondents who noted challenges in accessing antimicrobials are summarized in the table that follows.

Table 3: Challenges With Storage and Access to Antimicrobials for the Early Treatment of Sepsis

Themes Summarized From Survey Responsesa
  • There is a limited choice of antibiotics available (and those that are, offer only a narrow spectrum of coverage).
  • Some antibiotics (such as piperacillin, tazobactam, meropenem, and gentamicin) are used frequently and supplies often run out.
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics may not be readily available.
  • Vancomycin (an antibiotic for the treatment of serious bacterial infections) cannot be used in many remote areas because the laboratory blood testing required for monitoring the safe use of this drug is not available locally.
  • There is limited storage in medicines room and no local pharmacies.
  • Restocking of medications can be slow (e.g., this may take weeks after an urgent request is made, or be delayed due to bad weather and flight delays).
  • One respondent also mentioned a growing problem with extended spectrum, beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterial infections.

a In response to the survey question: In your jurisdiction or facility, are there challenges with the storage and ready access to critical first-line antimicrobial agents for prompt and early treatment of suspected sepsis?

Barriers to the Timely Detection of Sepsis

In answer to the survey question about barriers to the timely detection of sepsis in their organization or jurisdiction, 20 (71%) respondents answered “yes” to this question (i.e., there were barriers). The answers to the types of barriers (multiple selections could be made) are shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Barriers to the Timely Detection of Sepsis

Barriera Number of Responses/20 (%)
Patients and family or home caregivers are unaware of signs and risks of sepsis 13 (65%)
Lack of local medical expertise or training in the initial detection and diagnosis of sepsis 10 (50%)
Lack of guidelines for identifying and managing patients with potential sepsis 8 (40%)
Appropriate rapid diagnostic tests are not available on-site 11 (55%)
Appropriate treatments are not available on-site (for example, broad-spectrum antibiotics) 3 (15%)
Difficulty incorporating diagnostic or treatment options into care pathway 10 (50%)
Lack of coordination of care by multiple providers 11 (55%)
Geographic barriers to accessing services 14 (70%)
Delays in transporting patients for specialist care (see the following paragraph for the respondents’ reasons for these delays) 11 (55%)
Otherb 3 (15%)

a In response to the survey question: Which of the following barriers to the timely detection of sepsis are experienced in your organization or jurisdiction? 
b Other reasons provided were:

  • lack of good documentation or a tool that would effectively identify patients whose condition is deteriorating
  • busy emergency rooms, resulting in delays in patients receiving blood work
  • emergency room consults in the receiving facility may also involve delays.

Patient Transportation

Survey respondents provided further explanations of the reasons for delays in transporting patients for specialist care:

  • remote communities are often accessible only by air, winter, or gravel roads, while medical evacuation transportation (medevac) comes in from larger centres, which can delay transport considerably
  • availability of air ambulance or medevac transport is limited, and flights in and out take several hours
  • bad weather grounds flights in and out
  • out-of-province transport and acceptance at the referral hospital is required for severe endovascular infections.

Staff Training, Experience, and Resources

Survey respondents also noted that lack of training and experience of primary care staff is a barrier to the early recognition of sepsis in remote health facilities. One respondent commented that First Nations communities in remote areas are staffed mainly by nurses who may lack the training and experience needed to recognize sepsis. In addition, the limited health care staff available may make it difficult for patients to access care, with delays meaning they present at a more advanced stage of illness.

In response to the call for public stakeholder feedback, one company noted that phlebotomy training for nurses would help to address this barrier. The importance of and need for training has been reported by others.40,89,90 Devices that simplify blood and urine sample collection and reduce sample contamination may also play a role.91,92

Another survey respondent noted the lack of morbidity and mortality — or M&M — rounds was a barrier to improvement. These rounds are intended to be educational opportunities for staff physicians and medical trainees, and as opportunities to identify quality and patient safety issues.93 The respondent also noted that benchmarking for key sepsis indicators was lacking, and mentioned the need to recognize that some treatment interventions require two nurses.

Recent Improvements or Changes

We asked survey respondents whether there had been any recent improvements or changes made to help quickly detect and treat patients with suspected sepsis at their facilities. Twelve respondents (43%) answered “yes” (there had been changes). Thirteen respondents (46%) answered “no” to this question, and three (11%) did not respond to this question. Of those who answered yes, nine respondents provided the following examples of improvements or changes:

Table 5: Recent Improvements or Changes to Detection and Treatment of Patients with Suspected Sepsis

Themes Summarized From Survey Responsesa


  • Improved education of clinical staff and regular instruction for residents; for example, education regarding the importance of collecting cultures and then administrating antimicrobials within the first hour of the sepsis diagnosis.
    • Patient safety events and recommendations are de-identified and shared.


  • Greater use of systemic inflammatory response syndrome/quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment criteria (criteria for assessing patients), development of protocols, and the use of treatment guidelines.
  • Wide dissemination of guidelines and sharing of other jurisdictions’ patient safety information.
  • New guidelines and policies for primary care nurses in remote nursing stations are being drafted (by Health Canada and Indigenous Services Canada). These will include guidance on identifying and treating sepsis.
  • Province-wide policy implementation.

Emergency Care

  • Prompt resuscitation in the emergency department
  • Easy access to antibiotics in the emergency department/night cupboard
  • In Manitoba, a pilot project of point-of-care testing, including lactate and white blood cell count, being rolled out in three communities, with a plan to roll it out to all communities in conjunction with provincial lab services
  • Tracking the time it takes from ordering antimicrobials to administering them, using the clinical informatics system
  • Implementation of a Rapid Response Team to aid in the identification of sepsis and early fluid resuscitation with the aid of medical directives

a In response to the survey question: Have recent improvements or changes been made to help quickly detect and treat patients with suspected sepsis in your facility?


A limited literature search supplemented this Environmental Scan. Relevant published information was scarce. This was not unexpected, as earlier CADTH work on remote health care facilities and identification of sepsis also found limited published information.59-62

Although invaluable information was provided by the survey respondents, not all relevant agencies and health care providers were represented. In addition, the response rate for many of the questions varied, resulting in a proportion of incomplete responses. Particular gaps include a lack of responses from paramedic and other pre-hospital emergency care providers, Indigenous communities, and nursing staff in rural and remote areas. Given these shortcomings and the few responses from some provinces and territories, the representation and generalizability of the results might be limited.

Finally, we did not assess the quality of any of the information identified, including the quality of the guidance documents. Consequently, this report is not intended to provide recommendations on the appropriateness of any of the interventions cited.


Beyond the barriers of geography and weather, the survey respondents noted many additional barriers to the timely detection of sepsis, particularly in remote communities. Several survey respondents noted the lack of or limited supplies of basic equipment. Supplies of appropriate medications for the early treatment of infections was also noted as inadequate, and restocking of medications could be slow. One company response to the draft report noted this barrier might be addressed by automated systems for dispensing and supply chain management of medication inventories.

Recent telepharmacy guidelines from the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists recommend that those considering introducing an information technology system for telepharmacy start with a “gap analysis” of the current situation and the changes needed.94

A 2018 CADTH Environmental Scan on remote health care facilities did not find any recent lists of essential equipment for remote facilities in Canada.59

Diagnostic Equipment

Patients in remote Canadian communities may face some of the same delays in diagnosis and treatment seen in resource-limited health care settings in developing countries.12,95 Nursing stations in remote areas of Canada have limited diagnostic equipment and treatment options on hand.59,88 In particular, diagnostic imaging to detect infections, such as chest X-rays or point-of-care ultrasound, and equipment for initial management of patients with sepsis, such as intravenous (IV) fluids and oxygen, may not be available.52,59,95

No survey respondents mentioned the use of other point-of-care technologies, such as portable ultrasound. Low-cost, point-of-care ultrasound administered by trained health care providers in remote settings and supported by remote specialists may be used to identify some sources of infection and early signs of sepsis.96

Point-of-Care Testing

Two survey respondents noted the need for point-of-care lactate test units. A 2017 UK systematic review of point-of-care lactate testing for sepsis found limited evidence on these devices but concluded this may be a useful diagnostic test in pre-hospital settings.97 Point-of-care lactate testing is widely used in the UK.98 The study of pre-hospital sepsis care in northern Australia also found that pre-hospital, serial lactate measurements may be useful.99 The Surviving Sepsis Campaign also recommends measuring lactate levels and notes that rapid assessment of lactate should be considered standard of care.100,101 In Canada, Health Canada has approved at least one point-of-care lactate test unit and the device is commercially available.84

Studies of point-of-care lactate test use in remote health care settings are lacking, but the introduction of rapid, point-of-care tests for detecting common sepsis-related pathogens may improve early detection of sepsis.102-105 Point-of-care biomarker tests have been studied for their role in distinguishing bacterial from viral infections and in determining the severity of infection.105-108 With the exception of lactate, the role of point-of-care tests in detecting sepsis is still under investigation.87 Biomarker tests, such as procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, and presepsin, may also support clinical assessment in determining the appropriate use of antibiotics in the treatment of sepsis and antimicrobial stewardship.109-112

Smartphone-based, point-of-care technologies may soon be available for rapid detection of common infections that can lead to sepsis; for example, devices to detect urinary tract infections that do not require laboratory testing or culture.113-115

Pre-Hospital Care

As with enhanced emergency care for patients experiencing a heart attack or stroke, emergency medical care providers can play a role in the early detection and treatment of patients who may have sepsis.85,98 Studies in the US, UK, and the Netherlands have assessed whether training and equipment to improve early recognition and treatment of sepsis by paramedics can improve patient outcomes.76,85,116 The US pilot study provided paramedics with an educational session on sepsis and kits containing temporal artery thermometers, and portable lactate test units and test strips.85 Other studies have noted that regularly measuring vital signs — such as pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and respiratory rate — would be simple interventions that could help to identify patients whose conditions are deteriorating and who may be at risk of sepsis.98,117 A recent Canadian commentary noted the need for sepsis trigger tools to detect and manage patients with sepsis — tools that are intended for use in the community setting and that require minimal training and effort to use.118 The commentary noted that such tools should build on advances in artificial intelligence and use data from electronic health records to optimize algorithms for detecting sepsis.118 Artificial intelligence and other digital technology may require Internet connectivity, as well as other infrastructure, training, funding, and other supports, which may result in barriers to implementation in some rural and remote health care settings.119

The UK review of sepsis recognition in the pre-hospital setting found there was poor recognition of sepsis by ambulance personnel, and that most screening tools had not been validated in the pre-hospital setting.116 Subsequently, researchers in the UK recently published a protocol for a randomized study of pre-hospital recognition of sepsis and administration of antibiotics.120 The Netherlands study found value in improving training for emergency medical services personnel to recognize early signs of sepsis, as this ultimately reduced the time to treatment in the emergency department.76

It is not clear whether the findings of these studies are applicable to remote health care settings in Canada, but results of a 2016 study in northern Australia may be relevant.99 The Australian study looked at interventions provided by air transport medical teams in patients with severe sepsis in remote areas.99 Almost all (99%) of the 67 patients in the study received antibiotics in the pre-hospital setting, and 80% of patients received pre-hospital intravenous fluid resuscitation.99 This, in addition to other interventions, such as supplemental oxygen provided before or during transport to the hospital may have contributed to the relatively low, 30-day mortality (13%).99

Improving Public Awareness of Sepsis

As noted in the survey responses in Table 4, lack of patient, family, and caregiver awareness of sepsis is one of the barriers to timely care. Despite media coverage of deaths due to sepsis, several publications have noted the need for greater public recognition of sepsis as a medical emergency.1,16,21,121,122

A 2018 review found that improved clinician and public awareness of sepsis due to educational campaigns, such as the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, has improved patient outcomes.3,7 Public awareness campaigns in the US, the UK, and Germany have also increased knowledge of the signs and symptoms of sepsis.8,123 The US CDC recommends that clinicians educate patients and their families about the signs and symptoms of sepsis, particularly in individuals at higher risk for infections. The CDC also encourages patients to manage their chronic health conditions, stay up to date with vaccinations, and practice good hand hygiene to reduce the risk of infections.16

The 2017 WHO Resolution on Sepsis also noted the importance of health care providers using the term “sepsis” to further promote awareness of the condition to other health care providers, patients, their families, and the community.8,15 The WHO resolution included the recommendation for national programs to “increase public awareness of sepsis, particularly among high-risk groups, to ensure prompt recognition and presentation for treatment…”8,15 The Global Sepsis Alliance also promotes patient and family awareness with infographics about maternal and neonatal sepsis.124

Training and Provision of Care

Survey respondents noted that lack of training or experience of primary caregivers is a barrier to the timely recognition of sepsis in remote health facilities. In most remote communities in Canada, primary and emergency care is provided by nurses at community health clinics.40,44 Staffing is an ongoing problem. A recent report from Nunavut found that almost half of the health care postings there had not been filled, and temporary health care providers were often needed to fill staffing gaps.44 There is also documentation of high rates of staff turnover and inadequate training for nurses in remote areas of Canada given the expanded scope of practice needed in those remote areas.40,44

Many remote communities in Canada do not have a paramedic or 911 emergency dispatch service.37 Researchers in Ontario have suggested one option may be a Community-Based Emergency Care model, where community members are trained as lay health providers.37,52

National Standards and Reporting for Sepsis in Canada

Several survey respondents commented that the way in which sepsis is reported and patient outcomes are tracked across Canada needs to be improved. The Chair of the Canadian Sepsis Foundation recently called for a national system to standardize definitions and improve the reporting and tracking of sepsis.5

Preventive Measures

Preventive measures in at-risk populations, such as infants and the elderly and those with cancer or chronic illnesses, are reported as reducing the risk of infections that can lead to sepsis. Interventions reported in the literature include:

  • breastfeeding to reduce infections in newborns5
  • ensuring good hand hygiene practices5,7,16,117
  • healthy diet, exercise, and other interventions to encourage mobility and reduce frailty7
  • interventions to promote smoking cessation36
  • best practices to prevent pressure ulcers125
  • optimal wound care7,125
  • management of chronic health conditions14,16,32
  • vaccinations to prevent infections that may lead to sepsis (such as meningitis vaccination for adolescents and young adults, and influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia vaccinations).5,7,16,117

A study of sepsis in northern Indigenous Australian communities concluded that efforts to prevent sepsis should include improved housing, access to health services, management of comorbidities, and initiatives to reduce alcohol and tobacco use.36

Final Remarks

As one survey respondent noted, sepsis continues to be a challenging clinical presentation. This report sought to identify the guidance (i.e., policies, protocols, guidelines, algorithms, and other tools) used to detect patients with sepsis in rural and remote health care settings in Canada. Survey respondents and the literature search identified a variety of guidance and other tools that are being used, but, with the exception of the Health Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care72 (currently being updated), most are not specific to practice in remote health facilities.

Guidance developed collaboratively by pre-hospital and primary care providers and clinical experts who support remote health services could streamline and reduce the time to treatment and improve patient outcomes.24,98 It is suggested that guidance should be easy to use and suitable for the local context (e.g., the available equipment, tests, and clinical expertise).118 This may be less of an issue for rural health facilities for which provincial, regional health authority, or hospital-level guidance is available. As there is no accepted national guidance, it was not possible to address the question of how current practice compares with recommended practice. National standards and guidance may support improvements in care for people with sepsis.

In the survey questionnaire, we also sought to identify the diagnostic technologies and other resources available for sepsis detection, diagnosis, and patient management in rural and remote health care settings in Canada. Most of the information obtained focused on remote health care settings. In many of these facilities, basic equipment and essential medications needed to diagnose and treat sepsis are either not available or the supplies on hand are insufficient. A national standard on essential equipment and supplies for nursing stations and other small health facilities common to rural and remote settings would help to address these issues and support the appropriate procurement of equipment and medications. To help address some of the issues identified by survey respondents, it may be worthwhile for stakeholders to explore engaging industry partners in assessing appropriate technologies for sepsis detection and management in remote health care settings.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research recently announced funding for a new Sepsis Research Network Initiative to improve “prevention, detection, and management of sepsis” through supporting interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects.126 Given the gaps in guidance and services identified through this Environmental Scan, research to improve the care of patients with sepsis in remote health care settings could be used to help address these issues.




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About this document

Authors: Leigh-Ann Topfer, Carolyn Spry

Acknowledgements: Teo Quay, Lesley Dunfield, Chris Kamel, Gino De Angelis, Brandy Appleby

Cite As: Detection and diagnosis of sepsis in rural and remote areas of Canada. Ottawa: CADTH; 2019. (Environmental scan; no. 83).

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