Latent Tuberculosis Infection Testing in People with Compromised Immunity Prior to Biologic Therapy: Diagnostic Accuracy, Clinical Utility and Guidelines


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Reference List
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Summary of Abstracts
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  1. What is the diagnostic accuracy of using the tuberculin skin test for patients with compromised immunity prior to initiating biologic treatment?
  2. What is the clinical utility of using the tuberculin skin test for patients with compromised immunity prior to initiating biologic treatment?
  3. What are the evidence-based guidelines regarding the testing for latent tuberculosis infection in patients with compromised immunity prior to initiating biologic therapy?

Key Message

Two non-randomized studies were identified regarding the diagnostic accuracy of using the tuberculin skin test for patients with compromised immunity prior to initiating biologic treatment. Authors of one of the two non-randomized studies also investigated the clinical utility of using the tuberculin skin test for patients with compromised immunity prior to initiating biologic treatment. In addition, one systematic review of guidelines and seven evidence-based guidelines were identified regarding the testing for latent tuberculosis infection in patients with compromised immunity prior to initiating biologic therapy.