
New from CADTH: Pharmaceutical Reviews Update

CADTH is pleased to announce the launch of its new Pharmaceutical Reviews Update newsletter.

The Pharmaceutical Reviews Update consolidates our CDR Update, pCODR Update, Therapeutic Review Update, and Updates for Patient Groups into a single newsletter.  It will make it easier for you to stay on top of changes to our review processes, and reduce the number of emails you received from CADTH.

Highlights from our first issue include:

  • CADTH is inviting stakeholder comments and feedback on the following initiatives:
    • strengthening the process for establishing reimbursement criteria in CDR recommendations; posting manufacturer comments on draft CDR reports and CADTH responses; and addressing non-submissions by manufacturers.
  • CADTH is expanding its pCODR clinician input process, suspending the pCODR priority review process, and revising the pCODR submission screening period.
  • News about activities to further patient engagement; opportunities for the reassessment of drugs; real world evidence; and a pending CADTH/INESSS pilot process for engaging clinical specialists.