
HTAi 2018 Annual Meeting

CADTH is pleased to be co-hosting the Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) 2018 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, June 1 to 5, 2018. Dr. Tammy Clifford, Chief Scientist and Vice-President of Evidence Standards and Medical Devices at CADTH, is a co-chair of the International Scientific Programme Committee.

The theme of the 2018 Meeting is “Strengthening the Evidence-to-Action Connection.” Registration will open January 2018, and the Call for Abstracts is expected in the fall of 2017.

HTAi is the global scientific and professional membership society for everyone who produces, uses, or encounters health technology assessments (HTA) to support optimal policy- and decision-making. HTAi has members from approximately 60 countries and provides a natural forum for discussion by welcoming all stakeholders, including researchers, agencies, policy-makers, industry, academia, health services providers, patients, and patient representatives.

Save the date and plan to join us in Vancouver in 2018!