
2018 CADTH Symposium

The CADTH Symposium is a must attend annual event for the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) community in Canada and beyond, and our 2018 event is no exception. It is an excellent opportunity to connect with Canadian and international experts to discuss what is being done — and what still needs to be done — to transform the way we manage health technologies to support appropriate use, affordability, and accessible care.

The theme is Managing Health Technologies: Supporting Appropriate, Affordable, and Accessible Care. You’ll learn about initiatives to better align regulatory and health technology assessment processes, incorporate real-world evidence, expand reassessment, enhance support to pricing and procurement, and better support underserved populations (such as Indigenous peoples and people with a mental illness).

The CADTH Symposium offers many opportunities for learning, sharing evidence, and networking. Highlights include a stellar line-up of national and international speakers, informative workshops, and breakfast sessions on specific aspects of research and methodologies. In addition, we have made sure to work in lots of time for interacting with your HTA colleagues at the Welcome Reception and Scientific Poster Exhibition, and evening social event.

Who should attend? Each year our event attracts more than 750 delegates from key sectors, including HTA producers and managers, health economists, government, universities, health care providers, industry, and patient groups.

Registration opens in January, but until then, stay in the know with latest news and announcements about the 2018 CADTH Symposium by subscribing to our Symposium newsletter. We look forward to welcoming you to Halifax, Nova Scotia, on April 15 to 17, 2018.