Alcohol Neurolysis for Chronic Knee, Hip, and Shoulder Pain


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  1. What is the clinical effectiveness of alcohol neurolysis for adults with chronic knee, hip, or shoulder pain?
  2. What is the clinical effectiveness of phenol neurolysis for adults with chronic knee, hip, or shoulder pain?
  3. What are the evidence-based guidelines regarding the use of alcohol neurolysis or phenol neurolysis for adults with chronic knee, hip, or shoulder pain?

Key Message

We found 1 nonrandomized study about the clinical effectiveness of alcohol neurolysis for adults with chronic knee, hip, or shoulder pain. We did not find any studies about the clinical effectiveness of phenol neurolysis for adults with chronic knee, hip, or shoulder pain. We did not find any evidence-based guidelines about the use of alcohol neurolysis or phenol neurolysis for adults with chronic knee, hip, or shoulder pain.