Provide Input

Stakeholder Feedback

CADTH formally solicits feedback from stakeholders (health care professionals, patients, drug manufacturers, associations, and other interested parties) on projects and draft reports. We value all feedback and use it to shape and improve our work.

Calls for stakeholder feedback and respective deadlines are posted on the Open Calls for Feedback page. We also send notifications via our E-Alert e-mails and Twitter accounts (@CADTH_ACMTS and @ACMTS_CADTH).

We welcome comments at any time, but only those received during the consultation period will be considered for inclusion in our final documents. Guidance questions are listed below to help you organize your comments before they are submitted. Please note that draft documents are for consultation only and may change after feedback is received.

Because of operational limitations, we cannot reply individually to stakeholders explaining if and how feedback was used. However, all feedback is carefully considered by our project teams and advisory committees. We thank you in advance for your interest and participation.

If you have any questions about our process, please email [email protected].

Patient Input

Please note that there are separate processes for patient groups to provide input on drugs that are reviewed through the Common Drug Review and pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review programs. Visit our Provide Input page for more information.

Stakeholder Feedback

Pan-Canadian Guidance for Newborn Screening: Building the Foundations for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Conditions

Call For Feedback: Jul 11, 2024

Feedback Due By: Sept 11, 2024

Consultation Document: Discussion paper

Submit Feedback

Call For Feedback
Call For Feedback:
Feedback Due By:
Feedback Due By:
Consultation Document:
Consultation Document: Proposed Scope
Product Line
Product Line: Health Technology Review
Project Number:
Project Number: OS0011-000