
CADTH Lecture Series – Choosing Wisely Canada: Evidence-Based Medicine and Changing the Canadian Health Care Environment

CADTH is hosting a series of lectures by prominent scholars and opinion leaders to share their perspectives on some of the most pressing issues facing health technology assessment (HTA) and health care today.

CADTH invites you to attend the last lecture/webinar before we break for the summer. This lecture will be held in Toronto and will be hosted by Dr. Wendy Levinson, Professor and Past Chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and Chair of Choosing Wisely Canada.

Choosing Wisely Canada is a campaign to help physicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments, and procedures, and to help physicians and patients make smart and effective choices to ensure high-quality care. The campaign is grassroots and physician-led. It aims to change provider and patient culture and dispel the false notion that “more care is better care.” Join Dr. Levinson as she gives a brief overview of Choosing Wisely Canada, describes the “epidemic of overuse,” and discusses the efforts of various health care organizations to implement Choosing Wisely recommendations within the Canadian health care environment. Dr. Levinson will also share specific strategies to implement Choosing Wisely in medical education and practice.

The lecture will take place at 2:00 p.m. EDT on June 9, 2015 at the Helliwell Centre, Toronto General Hospital, and online via webinar.

Registration is now closed.