
Changes to CADTH Email Notifications

The CADTH Weekly Summary is an email newsletter sent every Thursday to bring subscribers important notifications about CADTH drug reimbursement reviews, including input and feedback opportunities, the publication of draft and final drug reimbursement recommendations, and procedural updates.

CADTH is now expanding this newsletter to include all notifications from across our business units. Examples of these notifications include calls for patient and clinician input, and calls for feedback on proposed project scopes, lists of included studies, draft reports, and draft recommendations. The newsletter will also include a list of final reports published on our website during the previous week.

Email Notifications: Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to update my subscription preferences to receive the CADTH Weekly Summary?

If you do not currently receive the CADTH Weekly Summary every Thursday, please go to our Subscribe page to sign up.

If you do receive this newsletter, you do not need to update your preferences.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

Please contact [email protected] if you have questions about your email subscription(s) or our website.

Please contact [email protected] if you are a patient, caregiver, or patient group representative and would like to speak to a member of our Patient Engagement team.

Please contact [email protected] for all other questions.